Hierarchical Perceiver


  • Perception Models are able to process large inputs and largely focused on Global attention.
  • Fourier embeddings must be adjust to fit the modality of data and become memory bottleneck when dealing with high dimensional data


  • This paper shows that by introducing some degree of locality, it can improve the efficiency of perceiver model.
  • Masked Auto-Encodign(MAE) plays a mojor role in learning positional embeddings


Architecture of Hierarchical Perceiver

  • Input data is assumed to be processed such that it is in a shape of M x C where M is number of tokens and C is number of channels

  • Input data is then grouped into G groups each with M/G tokens. Note that G is fixed for each layer and each group has its learned latent features of shape K x D where K is number of latent vectors and D is number of latent vector channel.

  • In each group, input data is cross attended to latent vectors to form output of shape K x D.

  • The output of cross attention is then attended through a few layers of (Self Attention and MLP, ie typical Transformer Layer).

  • The output of each group is then merged and be the input of next block.

  • Input data is flatten, yes reshape to 1-D, this works for all modalilty of data and preserves part of the locality.


  • Although it is not SOTA on ImageNet, but the performance is not far behind, consider SOTA models have large hand-crafted layers specifically for images.
  • Flattening or Local structure is important.
  • MAE learn rich low-dimensional positional embeddings. Classification is a sparsely supervised downstream task which is not sufficient for model to learn rich representation unlike MAE.
  • For point cloud data, pretraining using MAE yields much better result although no visible structure is observed in the learned positional embedding.